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DESIGNER / Nitya Jois

BIophilia- the art of bringing natural elements and environments into the built environment. Below are some of the projects conceptualised on the principles of Biophilic design . The projects encompassing Workplace, Retail and Residential segments, are designed for mental and physical wellbeing of the occupants.  The major aim is to facilitate good indoor air quality, reduce stress and anxiety and provide avenues for relaxation.


Indoor greenery, especially in workplaces are known to increase productivity, concentration and creativity. A cosmetic company headquartered in Ghana is designed to bring outdoor elements inside, and is done so strategically and creatively, such that at whichever level and cabin you are, you encounter a green space. Be it a conference room, workspace, directors cabin or the lobby area.


A healthy, exciting and engaging space that reckon people to unwind and relax among the tranquil and lush backdrop of plants is what is created in one of Bengaluru's finest pubs. The plants in the pub serve a dual purpose. Not only do they help in increasing the indoor air quality but also form a protective barrier by becoming a height restraint.


Air purifying indoor plants are recommended for the interiors of this premium apartment to help clean indoor air, facilitate stress relief, anxiety reduction and upheld the aura of freshness. Each of the plants are strategically chosen in relation with the space and its function. 


Balcony gardens, a space that was until recent times forgotten. With increasing urbanisation, the only green space that is easily accessible to the urban folks are gardens. The projects below show a glimpse of how plants and creativity can liven up a balcony and provide a solace that urban folks crave! 

© 2023 by Nitya Jois

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